A bid to build a drive-thru Starbucks coffee shop and create nine jobs in Irvine has again been refused by planning chiefs.

A planning application for the outlet on a vacant brownfield site at the Girdle Toll BP petrol station was resubmitted after the idea was previously knocked back twice.

However plans were again refused due to the site not being close enough to the town centre and concerns it would encourage traffic.

The desision notice states: "The proposal would be contrary to the town centre first principle", within NAC's local development plan which prioritises directing investment to town centre locations.

It added: "Such development should be directed to town centre locations which are the 'social economic heart of our communities.'"

"The proposed development, by reason of it's location, on the edge of a petrol filling station beside a busy roundabout near the edge of Irvine, would not result in the creation of a 'safe and pleasant' environment since it would encourage vehicle movement to the detriment of the sense of place, as well as resulting in the removal of part of the established parkland landscape charachter."

The planning statement on behalf of the Motor Fuel Group (MFG) said: “MFG believes that they have addressed the previous reasons for refusal.

“Girdle Toll as an existing commercial site provides an important local amenity, accommodating a 24-hour BP petrol filling station and Londis convenience store. The proposed drive-thru coffee outlet will complement the existing uses on site.

“Crucially, the proposals will see the creation of nine full time equivalent positions as well as construction jobs and the indirect economic benefits.

“A similar development in Irvine Town Centre or one of the defined centres would not cater to the local need and complement the existing on-site provision."