A new playpark is set to form part of Irvine's grand Harbourside plans - with provisional designs of what areas may look like released today.

North Ayrshire's Cabinet are to be updated next week on work to develop its Maritime Mile project, supported by funding of £14million through the Ayrshire Growth Deal.

Council chiefs are expected to agree to support further engagement with residents as it further develops the Great Harbour plans - which it's hoped will also bring the Big Idea building back into some use.

Other proposals include new waterfront plaza, improvements to pontoons and slipways as well as re-development of the Beach Pavilion.

The local authority has now developed concept designs for the Maritime Mile to help secure funding through the Ayrshire Growth Deal business case process.

Plans to invest in placemaking, destination development and tourism through three activity hubs include:

• The development of a maritime hub including the creation of additional event and exhibition space for the Maritime Museum alongside new slip ways and moorings;

• The development of an events/arts/leisure/food/ commercial activity zone within the central Harbourside area; and,

• A major new play/park facility at Irvine Beach Park.

Irvine Times:

Council leader Joe Cullinane said: “These bold and exciting proposals are still in the development stage but we can see how they are taking shape and the potential benefits they will bring to one of our most scenic locations in North Ayrshire.

“This is about creating a destination which will not only attract new visitors to this part of North Ayrshire, but it’s about creating one which residents can use, enjoy and be proud of.

“As well as building on Irvine’s historical past through the creation of a Maritime Mile, it’s about looking to the future and creating a must-visit tourist destination which will bring massive benefits for years to come and additional visitors to North Ayrshire.

“The creation of a Maritime Mile is just to the first step towards unlocking the amazing potential of the Great Harbour.”

Meeting papers state: "This [Coastal Hub] aims to create improved facilities for play and outdoor activity through the provision of a new play facility within the Beach Park. The development framework will also make provision for the development of projects in the longer term including: - the re-use of the Pilot House; - the re-development of the Beach Pavilion as a commercial café/restaurant; - new residential development on land allocated within the adopted LDP; and, - consideration of a future for the Big idea building.

"This [Marina/Arts/Events/Food Hub] will see the creation of enhanced public realm within the Central Harbourside area which contains the Harbour Arts Centre/Watersports Club/Ship Inn and GRO.

"A new waterfront Plaza will help to support events and better access to marine activities through an upgrading of the existing pontoons and slipways. The former Harbourmasters Office and land to the rear offers the potential to accommodate new business in food production and sale, and to help create an area that increasingly becomes a destination for its food offer.

Irvine Times: "The Maritime Hub will aim to create expanded facilities for the National Maritime Museum Scotland (NMMS), with a broadening of its offer through new exhibitions, and additional event and exhibition space including space for the NMMS Arts Collection. NMMS are developing proposals for an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund within a view to securing a funding contribution towards the capital investment required. It is envisaged that the new facility will be developed adjacent to the existing Puffer Café."

Meeting papers state an Outline Business Case has been submitted to the Scottish Government with approval expected imminently, allowing the proposals to be developed in more detail to Full Business Case stage.