Efforts to prevent drug-related deaths are ongoing in North Ayrshire.

It comes as NHS Ayrshire & Arran recorded one of the worst drugs deaths rates in Scotland in figures revealed last month.

North Ayrshire’s integration joint board revealed this week that there are moves underway in a bid to combat the issue.

But efforts to target drugs deaths are beset by delays in gathering data.

Chief officer Caroline Cameron told the meeting: “There are some challenges for our services locally in that we get delays in how quickly we receive patient-specific information in relation to drug related deaths.

“For example, the detailed information on the individuals that were confirmed as drug-related deaths in 2020 have only just been received by services.

“There is an issue with how quickly we receive that information so we can adapt and respond with our services to prevent any future drug-related deaths.”

The chief officer also said that the alcohol and drug partnership will continue to work both with the national drug deaths taskforce and the Scottish Government’s own drugs policy unit to overcome the issues caused by data delays.

Members of the board heard on Thursday that hopes are high that a range of new measures set to be implemented can help tackle the problem.

The medication assisted treatment standards programme, which is billed as allowing quicker access to treatment and an increased choice in available medications, is set to be delivered during the 2021/22 financial year.

A pledge to provide more rapid and intensive support to drug users following a non-fatal overdose and a new housing first support service will also be offered, alongside increased mental health advocacy and support services and enhanced support for those leaving residential detox or rehabilitation programmes.

Ayrshire and Arran’s drug deaths fell slightly from 108 in 2019 to 106 in 2020.

The figure from North Ayrshire alone dropped from 41 in 2019 to 39 last year.

However, Ms Cameron added: “Every drug-related death is a tragedy and preventable and the release of these statistics is a really stark reminder that our ongoing work in relation to reducing drug-related deaths must continue at pace to save more lives.”

The Scottish Government has pledged £250million over the next five years to help save lives and improve the grim figures for drug-related deaths in Scotland.

Figures released last month revealed that Scotland has the highest drug-deaths rate in Europe.