A SEX offender who failed to inform police he moved into new address was given a fine for the mishap – after a court heard his previous home was set on fire.

Bryan Clark, 58, returned to court last week after not properly registering his address after an earlier conviction.

The Procurator Fiscal depute told the court the accused, of Kier Hardie Road, Stevenston, was subject to the sex offender notification requirements to inform police of his address within three days.

He said: “His previous home address was damaged due to fire-raising, as such he could no longer reside there.

"He left Scotland the following day to stay with family in England.

"He called officers in the unit informing that he had sourced a new address but the accused was not sure when he would move in due to outstanding repairs.

“The accused was aware he was required to register his address to the police office as was reminded of that in conversation.

“Police were contacted by the DWP that the accused provided them a new address on March 12. Police contacted the accused who confirmed.

“The accused was asked to attend the police office to register the address and stated he had forgotten.

“He later attended Irvine Police Office to register it there.

"He was cautioned, charged and a report was submitted to my office”

Defence solicitor Simon Brown told the court his client at no point tried to mislead authorities.

He said: “He moved out and contacted police and told them he will be moving, but didn’t know when.

"All he didn’t do was say he moved in.”

Sheriff Sheena Fraser told Clark the requirement to report details is to ensure police could ‘properly monitor’ him, but accepted it was an ‘error’ when moving out

He was fined £200 to be paid at £20 a week.