AN MAN convicted of sexually assaulting two underage girls in Ardrossan has been jailed for four months.

Ben Anderson was found guilty of five charges following a trial in February and the 23-year-old appeared at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court last week for sentencing.

Anderson, of Macadam Place, Ayr sexually assaulted a young female, who was then aged 12, at an address in Clyde Terrace, Ardrossan, on July 16, 2021 by holding her hand and cuddling her.

He also repeatedly made sexual remarks towards her and the court found that this offence was committed intentionally and for the purposes of obtaining sexual gratification or of humiliating, distressing or alarming the girl.

At the same address and on the same date, Anderson assaulted a 14-year-old girl by preventing her from leaving a room within the home and threatening her with violence.

He was also found to have sexually assaulted her by touching her face, attempting to kiss her on the neck, placing his arms around her and touching her buttocks.

A further guilty charge followed for communicating indecently with the 14-year-old by repeatedly making sexual remarks towards her.

Finally, Anderson was convicted of acting in an aggressive manner, shouting and swearing at the two girls and another, aged 13.

A not guilty verdict was returned for a charge of breaching a bail order granted in March 2021 which required Anderson to remain within his home each day between the hours of 7pm and 7am.

Defence solicitor Ian Gillies told Thursday’s hearing that his client had ten months left of a separate prison sentence for assault in Ayr, having been in custody since October last year.

Sheriff Sheena Fraser said her sentencing options were “limited somewhat”, but said Anderson “presents a high risk of reoffending”.

Mr Gillies told the court: “There was some alcohol involved so his memory of what happened may not be the best.

“For someone of his age and with his difficulties I would be asking your lordship not to extend his time in custody.

“He is quite keen to get his head down, get this matter resolved and get back into the community.”

Sheriff Fraser said: “You were found guilty of sexual offences involving young children, offences which clearly caused them significant distress.

“In the circumstances I consider a custodial sentence is the only appropriate sentence here.”

Anderson was sentenced to four months in prison. He will also be subject to the sexual offender notification requirements for seven years.