AN OFFICIAL proclamation of King Charles III's accession to the throne will take place in North Ayrshire this weekend, it's been announced.

Charles succeeded his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, as monarch on Her Majesty's death at Balmoral on Thursday.

The King will be proclaimed at the Accession Council at St James's Palace on Saturday morning. 

According to North Ayrshire Council, on Sunday – which is Proclamation Day – a public proclamation of the new Sovereign will be read out, first at St James’s Palace and then at other locations around the country.

It's expected that the North Ayrshire proclamation will be made at Irvine's Townhouse at 1.30pm by the Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran, Sheriff Iona McDonald, and North Ayrshire Council chief executive Craig Hatton.

Meanwhile, after the announcement from Buckingham Palace on Thursday evening confirming the Queen's death at the age of 96, councillors and MSPs from across the political spectrum in North Ayrshire have offered their condolences.

North Ayrshire's Provost, accompanied by Sheriff McDonald and Mr Hatton, were the first to sign North Ayrshire’s book of condolence on Friday.

Members of the public can now add their name and messages.

Provost Dickson said: “The Queen led a full and remarkable life and the outpouring of grief around the world shows the high regard in which she was held.

“I know many people locally will be feeling a deep sense of sadness and loss today – after all, the Queen has been there throughout all our lives.

“This is a small opportunity to signify their thanks for her years of service and we invite everyone on North Ayrshire to add their name to show their gratitude and support.”

Books of condolence are now available to sign at the council's HQ at Cunninghame House in Irvine, and at the libraries in Stevenston, Kilwinning, Kilbirnie, Largs, Brodick and Millport.

They will remain open for signing during each building's opening hours until 5pm on Tuesday, September 20.

Floral tributes can be left outside the locations where the Books of Condolence are situated.

Those who wish to add their name to the tribute but are unable to make it to any of the locations can sign the official book of condolence online here

Neil Bibby, Labour MSP for the West Scotland region, said: “My thoughts are with The King and the Royal Family at this time following the deeply sad passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

"There are few moments in our lifetimes that can have such a profound collective effect upon us and truly be described as the end of an era.

"For the vast majority of people in our country we have never known a day without the Queen being there - she has been a constant in all of our lives for such a long period of time.

"For children of successive generations Queen Elizabeth was the first public figure they recognised and today that applies to my own children.

"As Britain’s longest reigning monarch she has been and has remained the most famous and recognisable figure not only in these islands but across the world. She was our Queen and she was the World’s Queen.

"The Queen will be remembered for giving a lifetime of service to her country which is unequal and unprecedented. We give thanks for a life well lived.”

Paul O’Kane, Labour MSP for the West Scotland region, commented: “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II dedicated over 70 years of her life to service, something that she was admired and respected for around the world.

“My thoughts go out to her family who have just lost a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother.

“May she rest in peace.”

Pam Gosal, who represents the West Scotland region for the Conservatives, said: “The nation mourns a great loss.

“Her Majesty, throughout the good times & the bad - you have been a constant.

“Her Majesty will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

“Thank you for 70 years of service.”

Her statement was accompanied by a video where she further offered her condolences.

Ms Gosal added: “I am deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty. Today the whole nation mourns the tragic loss of our Queen. My thoughts and prayer are with the Royal family, friends, and the nation – all of whom are mourning the loss of our dear Queen.

“Her Majesty had been a constant in all our lives and we always have and always will have an unwavering love and respect for her.

“As a young woman she was thrown into a role that carries immense responsibility, yet she always put crown and country first. For 70 years her majesty has been the beating heart of our nation.

“She provided stability and comfort during dark times, and light and laughter during our better days.

“Her Majesty stands at the heart of British values at the core of our identity as a nation, for she was not only our leader and Queen, but a mother to our United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

“Our nation has been blessed under your 70 years of loyal service as our Head of State. We will never forget all that you have done.

“May Waheguru give strength to your family at this sad time.”

Cunninghame South MSP Ruth Maguire said: “Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty the Queen, my office will be observing the period of mourning and condolence led by the Scottish Parliament.

"As a mark of respect, I have cancelled constituency business over the coming days and the constituency office will be closed.

"On behalf of my constituents in Cunninghame South I recognise the lifetime of duty and service carried out by the monarch and send my deepest condolences to the Royal family and all who loved her.”

Conservative West Scotland MSP Jamie Greene added: “We are all truly shocked and saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

“Whatever one’s political, religious, or constitutional views, it is impossible to underestimate what an event like this means for so many people across our islands, and indeed the world.

"The Queen epitomised a life of service, of constant and of continuity. It brings home the grief many of us have lived through and shared in our own personal lives in recent times.

“Like the passing of anyone wo was much loved, we celebrate, as well as mourn. Life is for living and celebrating.

“May she rest in peace. Long live the King.”

Russell Findlay, the Conservatives' third West Scotland region MSP, said: "Even though we knew the day would come, the world seemed to stand still when news of the Queen’s death emerged from Balmoral.

"As a figure of historic importance, she had the most profound impact, touching the lives of ordinary folk, monarchs and political leaders alike. Her reign spanned generations and reached across every continent. She was selfless in her sense of duty and personified the United Kingdom and our country’s values of decency, fairness and stoicism.

"It seems fitting that she passed away in Scotland, at her beloved Balmoral, and my thoughts are with her family during these difficult days."

Katy Clark, Scottish Labour MSP for West Scotland, said: “I give my condolences to the Queen's family at this difficult time. They must be given the space to grieve.

"The Queen has been the backdrop to all of our lives, is hugely respected around the world and this will be a shock and saddening for many millions of people.

"Whether you agree with the hereditary principle of the monarchy or not, there is no doubt that she was a remarkable woman who has made a massive impact on this country as Head of State."

MSP for the West Scotland region Ross Greer said: "My first thoughts are with the Queen’s family at this difficult time. We have all shared in the pain of losing a loved one, but to do so under such intense global scrutiny must be uniquely challenging.

"Many constituents will have fond memories of having met her during her frequent visits to Scotland or will have benefitted from any number of the good causes she supported, both in Ayrshire and further afield.

"I hope that those memories will bring solace to all those who are grieving right now."

MP for North Ayrshire & Arran Patricia Gibson said: “The death of the Queen is very sad news indeed.

“I am sure her family and loved ones will be in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult and distressing time. She was not only the Queen, she was also a beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

“She lived a life of service with quiet dignity and dedication and was held in very high regard by so very many across Scotland, the UK and the world.

“In the aftermath of this sad news, we will wish to reflect and remember her devotion to duty and how she was such a constant and mainstay in an ever-changing world. Even following the death of her beloved Prince Philip – her husband of 73 years - her fortitude and deep sense of public duty did not falter.

“She will be long remembered with deep affection and gratitude.”

MP for Central Ayrshire Phillipa Whitford said: “May she rest in peace.”