An energetic man is taking on two half-marathons in a week to raise funds for the Ayrshire Hospice. 

Harry Boswell completed the Scottish Half Marathon in Edinburgh on Sunday, and will then take to the streets of Glasgow for the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon this coming weekend. 

The runner says he wanted to raise money for a good cause, and has already almost doubled his initial target of £200.

He said: "To make this a worthwhile venture, I am hoping to raise a few coins for the Ayrshire Hospice.

"It’s a charity that is well known to my family and the wider community, and something that we have always raised money for, whether that be with trade fairs or just collecting in the Coach house.

"I didn’t want to raise money for a big charity, who do fantastic work. But I felt with a local charity, and one as well known as the Ayrshire Hospice, it would be easy to see how the money is spent and how this reflects in its cause.

"With that in mind I wanted to set a realistic and achievable target of £200. Now if I go above that, that would be brilliant, and also that would give me a greater motivation to complete these challenges."

To donate to Harry's fundraiser go here.