Members of Cunninghame Flower Club recently enjoyed a presentation by talented national demonstrator Jane Gordon, who is also a member of Paisley Flower Club.

From the moment Jane started her “Spirit of Adventure” Floral Art Presentation, they were transported to far of places like Switzerland, Holland, Northern Italy and, of course, up North in Bonnie Scotland without even leaving our seats.

Jane told many stories about the places she had visited on holiday as she effortlessly created the beautiful floral arrangements. Members appreciated all her helpful hints and tips in how to condition and look after flowers and foliage.

Irvine Times: Jane GordonJane Gordon (Image: Cunninghame Flower Club)

Jane had participated in the recent Floral Art Show at the Ayr and District Flower Show 2023 held in the Princess Royal Suite at the Ayr Racecourse, Ayr and was delighted to win the Special Award for the Best Interpretation with her Arrangement for “The Rhythm of the Night”.

Cunninghame Flower Club’s chairman, Marcia Lothian, gave the vote of thanks followed by the eagerly awaited raffle being drawn, where some members were the lucky recipients of one of Jane’s beautiful floral arrangements.

Once again, Margaret Miller provided the much appreciated and delicious home baking to go with the teas and coffee being served. Members welcomed having the time and opportunity to catch up with friends old and new before setting off for home after a wonderful evening of entertainment, with Friendship Fun and Flowers.

Cunninghame Flower Club is affiliated to SAFAS (Scottish Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) and hold their meetings in Ardrossan Civic Centre, Ardrossan, every third Friday of the month from September 23 to May 24 .

They organise area or national floral art demonstrations, hands-on workshops, members floral art competition or in-house demonstrations, plus an  ‘open day’  ~ something for everyone.  New members are very welcome.

Their next meeting is the annual open day, on Sunday, November 19 in the afternoon at  Whitlees Community Centre . 

National demonstrator Kate Kerr, will present “Sleigh Bells Ringing” - a not to be missed afternoon.                       

For further information about Cunninghame Flower Club and the open day, please contact Sheila Chalmers at: