A MUSLIM prayer flag filled with excrement has been dumped at the front door of the building earmarked to become North Ayrshire's first mosque.

The Al-Farooq Education and Community Centre in Glasgow bought the former Barony St John Church in Ardrossan in 2022.

They have been fundraising since then to realise their plans to turn it into a mosque and centre for Muslims in the area.

But on Saturday, January 6, Alan Bell, from the neighbouring Scottish Centre for Personal Safety, found the flag and the excrement dumped on the former church's doorstep.

He said: " I thought the flag had fallen off the front door. As I picked it up to pin it back on the door, I noticed as I unravelled it, that it was something more sinister.

"The prayer flag had an huge pile of excrement, either human or animal, smeared in the middle of it.

"It has obviously been thrown over the security fence which surrounds the church and had landed at the front door."

Irvine Times: Inside the former Barony St John Church

Alan added: "It beggars belief that some people are so full of hatred and racism that they think it is okay to do this - especially over the Christmas period, a time for goodwill towards all men.

"Our centre is also right next door and provides weekly personal safety and fitness classes for North Ayrshire‘s New Scot refugees, many of whom are Syrian Muslims who have fled persecution.

"How welcome do you think this will make them feel? It’s shameful."

The Al-Farooq Education and Community Centre (AFECC) is a Glasgow-based charity which has become a pillar of the community which looks to spread/preserve the original teachings of Islam as was known by the Salaf-as-Salih.

Ayrshire’s only mosque is currently located in Kilmarnock

AFECC say they are aiming to raise £100,000 for the “urgent renovation” which is required.

Launching their fund-raiser last year, a representative from the organisation said: “Join us in being part of something special putting together a place of prayer and community centre for the Muslims in Ardrossan and the general community.”

The appeal has so far raised more than £28,000 of their £150,000 needed to bring the building up tho the required standard.

The Al-Farooq Education and Community Centre have been approached for comment.