A KIND-HEARTED Springside man has said goodbye to his long locks in an incredible effort to support two charities.

William Collins had a huge 30 inches chopped from his hair at local salon Miss Dee on Friday, May 10, as he supported a pair of causes close to his family's heart.

Irvine Times: William Collins said goodbye to 30-inches of hair in a fantastic charitable effort.

The 33-year-old had been growing his hair for a number of years, inspired by his passions.

He commented: "I live in Springside and I'm a carer for my mother.

"When I'm not doing that, I like to write heavy metal music on guitar, play video games, and watch professional wrestling with my mum.

"Unfortunately, I live with bad mental health, and as many people know, a side effect of this is not being able to take the best care of myself.

"It makes normal everyday tasks seem daunting and some days near impossible.

"Now, due to my love of heavy metal, I've always loved having long hair, but with bad mental health, I couldn't always keep the best care of it."

Irvine Times: William Collins said goodbye to 30-inches of hair in a fantastic charitable effort.

Bu William chose to use this as inspiration to do good, leading to his charitable effort.

"In the last few months I had realised to make my life better and to make someone else's life better why not donate my hair to The Little Princess charity," he continued.

And the Springside man also saw an opportunity to support another charity in doing so.

Irvine Times: William Collins said goodbye to 30-inches of hair in a fantastic charitable effort.

His nine-year-old niece Luna is currently completing some fundraising of her own after entering a beauty pageant.

The youngster's chosen charity is Brightest Star - a charity that helps family's out after the loss of a child.

It is something close to home for young Luna who lost her father when he was in his 20s which she says "broke her grans heart".

So William decided that his hair shaving efforts would also act as a fundraiser to support his young niece.

Irvine Times: William Collins said goodbye to 30-inches of hair in a fantastic charitable effort.

He commented: "I'm hoping we can get enough raised to help both charities and also to get eyes on them as well.

"I know a lot of my friends have longer hair so maybe by doing this I could push some of them to get the big chop as well and help out someone who desperately wants it."

So far, the fundraising page for William's effort has gathered donations just short of its £400 target.

Anyone wishing to contribute further can do so online at https://gofund.me/f3287fe6.

Irvine Times: William Collins said goodbye to 30-inches of hair in a fantastic charitable effort.