WORK has commenced in a bid to revive Ayrshire's oldest scout troop.

The 1st Ayrshire Irvine Scouts were first registered in March 1925 in a first for the county.

The group then combined with the 6th Ayrshire Scout Group in 1991, creating the 1st & 6th Ayrshire (Irvine) group we know today.

On the verge of their 100th anniversary, the group would sadly close in 2022 due to a lack of adult volunteers.

However, a bid to bring the troop back to life has now been launched.

There are currently 37 young people who have expressed in interest in joining the group - showing the demand is there.

Though before this vital group can be returned to its former glory - they need your help.

Work is currently underway to get everything in place to relaunch the group in Irvine.

This includes a search for a number of volunteers in both a regular and one-off capacity.

Initially, prior to any revival, the group's former hall needs to be brought back up to an acceptable standard.

Efforts to do so will be carried out during the scouting movements 'Big Help Out' weekend on June 8.

Ahead of this effort in Irvine, the group are looking for any locals who may be able to assist to reach out.

A spokesperson said: "I want to put a call out the local community for some help getting the hall ready for young people to come back to the hall.

"If you are a trades person such as plumber, electrician joiner or builder with a bit of time you could donate to us to help getting our hall safe please get in touch.

"If you have a few hours spare to help us clear the stores or clean down outside the hall please let us know. Many hands make light work."

Efforts get underway at 10am on June 8 and anyone interested in helping out can contact the group on their Facebook page.

While the group is also looking for anyone who can offer more regular volunteering to assist in the running of the group.

Those interested in becoming a trustee, leader or volunteer are also encouraged to get in touch.