Police are warning motorists of a planned car cruise event at Irvine Beach Park on Sunday.

Previous events have attracted over 1,000 cars, and police are advising that their may be congestion and possible delays in the area.

Locality Policing Officers and Divisional Roads Policing will be on duty patrolling the routes leading to, from and at the event.

Drivers are asked to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy, documents are in order and that, after the event, they take any rubbish with them.

Locality Policing Sgt Will Thomson said: “If you are attending the event, we want you to enjoy it.

“Those who choose to engage in anti-social behaviour such as wheel-spinning, speeding or by creating a disturbance will be dealt with robustly, could face prosecution and could have their vehicle seized.

"We will be adopting the same successful tactics as we have in previous years. Please keep your vehicle on the road and keep to the designated car park areas.

"Driving off road and damaging grass areas will not be tolerated.  Please encourage others not to spoil it for the majority.”

Anyone with specific concerns is asked to speak with officers on patrol, or call their Police Scotland Locality Policing Team on 101.