HARD work has paid off for two Kilwinning Beavers after they achieved a feat never seen before by the troop.

Both James Hume and Harry Murdoch were recognised earlier this week at the group's badge award nights for their latest achievements.

And in receiving their latest awards they have now earned EVERY badge possible to kids aged between six and eight in the Beaver Scout movement.

It has been a long road to get to this stage but James and Harry have shown outstanding dedication and determination.

Irvine Times:

Their efforts have included earning all 23 activity badges as well as six challenge badges. The pair have also achieved various stage badges which has involved the boys attending a total of ten nights away, camps and sleepovers.

After reaching the landmark this week, both James and Harry were presented with their bronze award - the highest badge a Beaver can be awarded before moving on to become a Cub Scout.

A representative from the 19th Kilwinning Beaver Scouts troop commented: "Jelly Beaver and Nutty Beaver are proud of both boys for all their hard work in Beavers."