OVER 200 illegal vape products have been seized from one store in Irvine.

The raid on the shop comes as police in the area continue to target illicit sales of the products in partnership with North Ayrshire Trading Standards.

The products were found and taken from the store as the agencies continued their partnership and carried out checks across a number of stores in North Ayrshire on Monday, May 27.

As well as targeting any underaged sales, the checks also look to remove any vape products which do not adhere to strict UK guidelines.

Illegal products include those which exceed the maximum allowed nicotine strength, maximum liquid capacity or are not compliant with required packaging and health warnings.

During their intelligence led operations today, both local police and trading standards officers were able to find and seize 220 vapes from one shop in Irvine.

The haul was shared by Ayrshire police on social media, with a strict warning to the dangers these products create.

A force spokesperson said: "The illegal vaping market not only undermines other retailers operating within the law, but also drives more young people to experiment with vapes, and risk addiction.

"If you have information regarding underaged or illegal product sales please report to 101, or to your local Trading Standards authority.

"For guaranteed anonymity, contact Crimestoppers Scotland on 0800 555111."