A REMARKABLE Kilwinning fundraiser has once again completed an incredible ultramarathon in the name of a cause close to his heart.

This time last year Graeme Johnston, who is the youth work project manager for Arran Youth Foundations (AYF), ran around the entirety of the Isle of Arran in one day in a bid to raise money for the island charity.

The charity aims to engage the young people of the island in fun and meaningful youth work activities - and last year Graeme raised a fantastic £5,000 through his 56-mile effort.

That is why, despite describing it as the hardest challenge the seasoned runner had ever taken on, he decided to do it all again this year.

And on Friday, May 24, he once again completed the 90km route - raising a further £3,000 - so far - for AYF in the process.

After setting off from the charity's hub at the ridiculously early time of 4am, it took Graeme 11-and-a-half hours to complete the mammoth challenge this time around - over half an hour quicker than last time.

Having driven round the island the night before stashing food and drink every 10KM or so, he took regular short breaks to refuel.

He also enjoyed the company of supporters along the way - parent Emma Jessop ran with him for around an hour, former AYF attendee Abbie McKelvie kept him company on her bicycle for several hours, and Sue Blades ran some of the west side of the island too.

Many kids and young adults came out along the route to cheer him as he passed, with some of AYF's current kids running him back through Lamlash to finish at the youth centre.

In light of his efforts, Graeme said: "I was delighted to complete this again for a cause very close to my heart.

"Knowing from experience how difficult it was made it a mental challenge as much as anything, but I knew from last year what a great motivation the fundraiser was.

"Watching it climb and climb with so many incredibly generous donations got me round the island on the day. A huge thank you to every single person who gave.

"It has brought in over £3,000 so far, which will hugely benefit the young people on the island."

Graeme's fundraising page will remain open until June 14, and those looking to make a donation can do so online at justgiving.com/campaign/arran.