Irvine will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings this Thursday with a special event at the harbourside.

Coastwatch Scotland have organised a celebration of the event on the evening of June 6.

A parade will leave the Scottish Maritime Museum at 6.30pm and head to the beach. A beacon will be lit at 9.15pm, and classic cars will be on parade, with a fire engine also attending.

Bands and community groups will join in the anniversary celebration at the harbourside, including Irvine Community Council, the Boys Brigade and Sea Scouts.

There will also be musical entertainment with songs like White Cliffs of Dover and We’ll Meet Again being sung as well as plenty of food available.

Boats will be out at sea on the night and they hope people will step off on to the beach in the style of the landings.

The landings on the beaches of Normandy were the first stage in the Allies' liberation of France and turned the tide of the Second World War firmly against the occupying forces of Nazi Germany.