There was no shortage of fun in Irvine and Kilwinning 10 years ago, with lots of end of term school events, as well as a charity fun run.

Do you remember these big events captured by the Irvine Times photographer from June 2014?

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Towerlands Primary held a special onesie day raising £117.85 for the school's funds.

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Kilwinning's Corsehill Primary held their combined sports day and gala day, raising a tremendous £1,500 near the end of the 2014 term.

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Friends, teachers and pupils at Fencedyke Primary School in Irvine raised an astonishing total of £3,700 for the Ayrshire and Arran branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

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There was a full house when Irvine Trefoil Guild held their annual prize bingo night 10 years ago.

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The Transition B students from Ayrshire College’s Kilwinning Campus held a karaoke event to raise much needed funds for Ayrshire Hospice in June 2014.

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The Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust Fun Run at Eglinton Park was a roaring success with people from all over Ayrshire attending. Councillor Donald Reid, organiser Suzanne Fernando and the Segdoune Royal Party counted down to start the event.

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The P1B class at Whitehirst Primary in Kilwinning were hard at work creating some stunning designs for an Artastic event.