A serial domestic abuser who threatened his then-partner in Irvine has been jailed for six months.

Lee Narwan, 42, was arrested on May 24 for acting in a threatening manner, shouting, swearing, uttering abusive remarks and acting in an aggressive way towards the woman.

He also breached two bail orders preventing him from contacting her.

Kilmarnock Sheriff Court heard that Narwan was already on an order preventing him from communicating with the woman, and was living in Glasgow when he contacted her and asked if he could return to their home.

She agreed, but after a short time he left the property in Lochcraig Court, Bourtreehill, to buy alcohol, then returned.

The procurator fiscal depute told the court: “The accused was acting in an erratic manner and police were contacted. He had a clear injury to his eye but refused to give evidence as to what had happened.

"At 9pm that evening, the complainer contacted her aunt who could tell she was fearful and in tears. She was distressed. Police were called and attended the property."

His partner told officers she did not want to make a formal complaint, but asked for him to be removed from the property.

The fiscal continued: "He was taken to an address in East Kilbride and was warned not to return, but he contacted the witness, using his mobile phone, and said he was coming back to the address.

"The witness did not allow the accused entry and he began shouting and swearing in the street. She contacted the police."

The fiscal added: "The accused shouted at her, 'Did you call the police on me, you c***?'.

"Police found him outside the property."

Narwan's lawyer told the court: "It is the same complainer, so he is well aware that a considerable sentence is almost inevitable. He has been in custody since May 2. The relationship is over."

Sheriff Laura Mundell told Narwan: "I have listened to the circumstances and looked at your criminal record. In my view, the only appropriate sentence would be imprisonment.

"I will reduce it from 30 to 27 weeks and it will be backdated to May 2.

“His partner says she doesn’t want a non-harassment order, but I am imposing a non-contact order for 12 months.”