PLANS have been launched to create a new "neighbourhood centre" in Irvine.

Proposals have been lodged with North Ayrshire Council for the development in the Montgomerie Park housing estate.

If approved, the centre would include five different units which could be used by a variety of different businesses.

The application is seeking permission that these units could contain shops, financial, professional and other services as well as restaurants, cafes or hot food takeaways.

Of the proposed units, one would be a detached from the rest and of a larger size, approximately 371 square metres.

The remaining four units would be part of a second building, of a total size smaller than the large individual unit.

An overview of the planned site.An overview of the planned site. (Image: NAC Planning)

The plans also state that 32 car parking spaces would be created, including four with EV charging facilities.

The proposed area of the development runs adjacent to Turnpike Wynd within Montgomerie Park and would link up to the existing footpaths and roadways in the area.

The plans were submitted by a Mr Michael Smart of Crucible Developments and are currently pending consideration.

These can be viewed in full online via the council's online planning portal searching for reference 24/00527/PP.