The controversial incinerator being built at Oldhall in Irvine sparked heated debate at a hustings meeting for Central Ayrshire on Wednesday.

The candidates, Alan Gemmell (Labour), Tom Kerr (Greens), Annie McIndoe (SNP) and David Rocks (Conservative), squared up for the last time at the event, organised by Irvine Commuity Council, to discuss a raft of issues before Thursday’s General Election.

Plans for the Murdoch Place facility were approved in January 2020 – before a ban was introduced by the then Labour administration and before the moratorium on such facilities was introduced by the Scottish Government.

It is currently under construction.

An audience member at the event in the Volunteer Rooms asked: “We are at present building a waste incinerator in Irvine which will emit more greenhouse gas than a coal-fired power station.

“Since we have now breached the 1.5 degree in global temperature that was considered to be the limit of managing climate change what would be your policy to mitigate the predicted catastrophe?”

Labour candidate Alan Gemmell said:  “If that's right and the discharges are not being followed, then we have to see the council and the Scottish Parliament about the issues raised.”

SNP candidate Annie McIndoe said: “There has been a moratorium on incinerators and what we need to do now is see what the excess capacity is. I am happy to take this forward.

“In terms of climate change, because of the very nature of Scotland we are going to need a lot of renewables, including wind turbines solar and hydrogen as well as tidal, for which the funding was cancelled by Westminster.”

Green candidate Tom Kerr said his party were “definitely against” the project as North Ayrshire was one of the worst spots in Britain for lung cancer and respiratory disease.

Tory candidate David Rocks said he would be supporting a moratorium on such incinerators, adding: “I think the incinerator is a bad idea.

"I don’t believe it is healthy for people who live in the area and hope whoever is elected will push the council for a proper public consultation."

The full list of candidates for Central Ayrshire is: Kevin Thomas Blades, Reform UK;  Elaine Ford, Liberal Democrats; Alan Gemmell, Scottish Labour Party; Tom Kerr, Scottish Green Party; Allan Macmillan, Social Democratic Party; Louise McDaid, Socialist Labour Party; Annie McIndoe, Scottish National Party and David Rocks, Conservative and Unionist Party.