LOCALS have hit out at the latest incident of vandalism at Dreghorn's war memorial.

A member of the public contacted police on July 15 to report that wreaths had been set alight at the Main Street memorial, though it's understood the incident took place in the days before then.

One man told the Times "this is getting beyond a joke" after wreaths were set alight at the Main Street memorial.

A source told Times that the fire has also "scorched" the structure which he added has been "desecrated again".

The latest incident comes only months after outrage was caused in the village when dog mess was hurled at the memorial.

Pollice have launched an investigation into the latest incident.

A number of wreaths were laid at the memorial to mark Armed Forces Day on June 29.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 8.40am on Monday, July 15, 2024, we received a report of wreaths set on fire on Main Street, Dreghorn, Irvine.

“Enquiries are at an early stage.”