A KILWINNING business is set to close down next month after a decade in the town.

Russell Clothing Alteration will be open until August 30 before shutting up shop for the final town.

Owner Nicola Russell says she has made the decision with mixed emotions though feels it is now time to move on.

She will now return to her roots, working freelance in costume for the theatre, TV, film and music industry - and will continue to work as a costume tutor at university.

As she prepares to depart the town at the end of next month, Nicola sent an emotional message to her social media followers explaining the decision.

She said: "After nearly a decade of serving our wonderful community in Kilwinning, I am announcing the official closure of Russell Clothing Alterations.

"This decision comes with a mix of emotions as I have decided to return to my roots in costume serving the theatre, music, TV and film industry as a freelancer along with tutoring costume at the uni.

"I’m extremely proud of the connections we have built and the incredible community that has supported us over the years.

"We’ve taken on jobs as simple as taking up hems through to intricate bridal alterations and it has been an honour to be a part of your special moments and everyday life.

"Myself and my family are so grateful for your unwavering support and loyalty. Your trust in our services has meant the world to me, and we thrived for so long because of you."

And While Nicola says she is sad to be closing the store on Almswall Road, she also admitted to being excited to see what the future will bring.

She continued: "As I close this chapter, I look forward to the future with excitement.

"As many of you may know, I required major hip surgery earlier this year which was extremely difficult when self employed.

"Following my time off, I have come to realise that life is for living. Working for yourself within a small business means long hours and always being on work mode and it's time for a change."

The business owner also looked to say thank you to those who made it all possible over the years - as well as reminding customers that all current orders will be completed before closing down.

Nicola added: "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of our story. I will always cherish the memories we've made over the last 10 years.

"We also want to thank our amazing team of staff, they have been there through all the highs and lows supporting me especially through some really difficult times during Covid. I will never forgot your loyalty.

"Lastly I want to thank my amazing family for putting up with me working all hours and everyone mucking in when needed. I will always be thankful.

"Our doors will remain open until August 30 to ensure all current orders are completed. Please don’t panic we will complete all the work we have committed to."

Further information ahead of the business closing will be made available on the Russell Clothing Alterations Facebook page.