A water scarcity warning has been issued by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency for parts of Ayrshire. 

Despite heavy rain over the weekend which impacted events such as The Open at Troon, the environment body has advised people to plan ahead. 

In its latest water scarcity report, SEPA lists Irvine and Ayr as two of the areas where 'early warnings' are now in place. 

It reads: "Lower recent rainfall has led to drier soils and lower river levels in the south-west.

"Early Warnings of water scarcity are now in place for the Irvine and Ayr area and the Cree area of Galloway. 

“We advise water users, including those with private water supplies, to be aware of the potential risk of water scarcity this summer and for businesses to plan ahead where it is possible to.”

The overall risk of water scarcity takes account of the individual water scarcity indices, relevant water use, sectors in each region, and forecast weather conditions.