Scotland’s traditional culture, music and arts organisation Hands Up For Trad has called on the public to nominate their Scots language champions ahead of this year's big event in Cumnock.

The Scots Language Awards celebrate the Scots in daily life, education, business, arts and culture.

The awards ceremony will take place at Cumnock Town Hall on Saturday, September 14 this year as it travels to Ayrshire for the first time.

With nominations open until Sunday, August 4, Scots speakers and supporters have two weeks to suggest worthy recipients in 12 categories.

Tickets for the event are also on sale now, with legendary Galston-born Scots leid advocate Billy Kay joining local artists who will stage incredible performances and recitals on the night. 

The award categories are:

  • Janet Paisley Services to Scots Award, supported by Creative Scotland
  • Scots Champion Award
  • Young Scots Writer o the Year, sponsored by Education Scotland
  • Scots Writer o the Year, sponsored by National Library of Scotland
  • Scots Bairns Book o the Year, sponsored by Scottish Government
  • Scots Speaker o the Year
  • Scots Community Project o the Year
  • Scots Educational Project o the Year
  • Scots Teacher o the Year, sponsored by Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Scots Schuil (School) o the Year, sponsored by Itchy Coo / Black & White Publishing
  • Scots Book o the Year, sponsored by Scottish Book Trust
  • Scots Performer o the Year, sponsored by TRACS

East Ayrshire Provost Jim Todd said: "I urge everyone to get their nominations submitted for the Scots Language Awards, which will be held in Ayrshire for the first time this September.

"Cumnock is the perfect location for the awards and I am really hopeful that our communities will nominate local people who do their upmost to promote the Scots Language, and keep it alive.

"It is important that we recognise this work, so please take five minutes to nominate because as we all know - if yer no in it, ye cannae win it."

To nominate someone you know for a Scots Language Award, visit

Tickets for the Scots Language Awards are available at