Employers across North Ayrshire are being encouraged to join a programme that offers grants to businesses which create job opportunities for young people.

North Ayrshire Local Employability Partnership (LEP) is made up of a range of partners who use their combined resources to help reduce unemployment and increase employment across North Ayrshire.

The area has the highest level of youth unemployment in Scotland, and the Partnership – which includes North Ayrshire Council – is supporting hundreds of unemployed young people to make positive life changes and progress to employment.

Local employers are being invited to create opportunities for young people to secure employment and thrive through a Personal Recruitment Incentive (PRI) for young people that was launched recently.

The PRI offers a grant to employers of up to £5,500 - 50 per cent of the Real Living Wage - for up to 35 hours per week for up to 26 weeks. 

This opportunity is exclusively available to young people currently preparing for employment through the support delivered by the Your Next Move, Working North Ayrshire programme – which is part of the council’s employability service.

The team will aim to match suitable candidates with businesses and can arrange interviews and work experience placements to lead to employment offers.

Councillor Tony Gurney, Cabinet Member for Green Environment and Economy, explained: “This programme offers local employers a great chance to find reliable candidates locally for their workforce and help to boost the North Ayrshire economy while giving a young person a chance to reach their full potential. 

“We all remember someone who provided an opportunity to start our career, and now we are looking to local employers to provide that chance to young people who are currently unemployed and are keen and enthusiastic to join the workforce.” 

If you can create a job, please complete the online form here: PRI Grant Application Form

If you are a local employer and would like to find out more about the Personal Recruitment Incentive, please email employability@north-ayrshire.gov.uk