It's been a busy week for Irvine Clean Up Crew, who have been tackling the mess left on the beach in both good weather and bad.

Last week, five volunteers went down to the beach to help tackle the aftermath of the good weather.

A Clean Up Crew spokesperson said: "It was the worst the beach has been this year. We collected 28 bags of litter and 42 towels, plus other stuff like sun shades and a chair."

They also found a broken glass, dangerously left half buried in the sand in a popular area of the beach for families.

The broken bottle in the sandThe broken bottle in the sand (Image: Irvine Clean Up Crew)

The spokesperson continued: "Please, please, please don't leave broken glass half buried in the sand.

"It's so dangerous and irresponsible. It would only have taken a couple of high tides to cover this in a thin layer of sand. It was found where lots of families tend to sit on the beach too. It could have done a lot of damage if we hadn't removed it.

"There are loads of bins at the beach. Please use them or bag it and take it home.

"We'll always stay positive because we think Irvine Beach is really special and deserves to be looked after. It would just be nice if everyone else thought the same.

"Please take your rubbish and belongings home with you, if you are visiting anywhere this summer. It isn't difficult to be more responsible."

Beach debris last weekBeach debris last week (Image: Irvine Clean Up Crew)

The Clean Up Crew also attended the beach on Saturday in the wake of the recent storms.

A spokesperson said: "It was a bit blustery this morning, but 12 volunteers managed to collect 13 bags of litter and seven towels from the beach and beach park.

"Well done to everyone who made it along and welcome to the new faces who joined us too."

The Crew also have a major event planned for early September - the Big Irvine Riverbank Clean.

The Crew in actionThe Crew in action (Image: Irvine Clean Up Crew)

They revealed: "Irvine Clean Up Crew are hosting a big riverbank clean up during the first weekend of September. To make sure we make an impact on the mess that is currently present, we are going to need some help.

"If you would like to volunteer to help for some or all of the weekend you can find out more and sign up via the link here.

"We are also interested to hear from any community organisations or even corporate groups that would like to join us. If you want more information please email

"We are hoping to make a positive difference to the River Irvine and its ecosystem. Come and join us."