A STEVENSTON teenager has been told he faces time behind bars following an assault in Irvine that left a 15-year-old with life-threatening injuries.

The 17-year-old, who cannot be named because of his age, pleaded guilty to carrying out a savage attack on the boy on Broomlands Busway in Irvine on August 4 last year.

He had been charged with punching his victim on the head, and kicking and stamping on his head causing him to lose consciousness, all to his severe injury and to the danger of his life.

Kilmarnock Sheriff Court ourt was told how the 15-year-old was standing with his girlfriend and her brother when a silver car drove by, turned around and stopped. 

The accused got out of the car and began shouting at the complainer, before throwing a punch at him, causing the 15-year-old to fall to the ground. 

The accused then repeatedly stamped and kicked him on the head, causing him to lose consciousness.

An ambulance was called and he was taken to Crosshouse Hospital with a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain. 

The court was told how the victim of the shocking attack underwent surgery to remove a haematoma in his brain, and that he was now making a good recovery despite the "potentially life-threatening" injuries.

The 17-year-old was traced by police at his home the following day, before being arrested and charged.

His solicitor told the court that the accused "appreciates the difficult position he has put himself in". 

Sheriff Colin Bissett told the accused that background reports would be required for the "serious matter", and that "the imposition of a custodial sentence" was at the forefront of his thinking.

The diet was adjourned for the preparation of criminal justice social work reports, and the teenager had his bail continued.