Irvine Cricket Club welcomed back a very special visitor this week...their former coach Clive Wulfsohn.

Clive, from Port Elizabeth, South Africa, was the very first club professional at Marress, and his visit alongside wife Arlene coincided with the ground-breaking ceremony for the club's new training facility.

Remembering Clive's start at the club, a spokesperson said on their Facebook page: "Our club was not sure what to expect when he landed on our shores but after the first training session boy did we soon realise.

Clive back at MarressClive back at Marress (Image: Irvine Cricket Club)

"After a few games, so did the old Glasgow and District League opposition batsmen, as he not only scored over 1,000 league runs but took around 80 league wickets for the club over that season.

"Clive certainly changed the direction and attitude of the club and installed the correct disciplines needed to take the club forward. "

(Image: Irvine Cricket Club)

After Clive's return visit, the club spokesperson said: "Huge thanks Clive and Arlene for visiting the club some 38 years later.

"It was great to see so many players and juniors, at the time, returning to the club, some with their wives, to make this a special day for the club.

"The ground was broken on our new double bay fully enclosed training facility that will be called the 'Wulf-Zone', after the man that started it all off for our club.

"It will be the main hub for NAC schools and KA Leisure kids' activities as we look to increase our own MCA - the Marress Cricket Academy.

"Special thanks to the pictures provided by Andy Tye of Irvine Camera Club - Scotland, for Susan and Anthony who provided the food, for Chelsea for working the bar and of course to all those that came along and made the day special for everyone."