A new play looking at Scotland's independence referendum 10 years on is coming to North Ayrshire next week.

Fresh from their shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Glasgow-based Action Theatre Scotland are launching their new tour of Alba at Irvine's Harbour Arts Centre on Saturday, August 31.

(Image: Action Theatre Scotland)

Alba is a play which tackles the difficulty of having to make substantial decisions at a young age. It is told through the lens of the 2014 independence referendum, focusing particularly on the character of Paul, a 16-year-old Glaswegian boy from a working class background.

Alba also features original songs throughout the show.

(Image: Action Theatre Scotland)

Writer and director Jack Byrne said: "The show is an unbiased look back at the 2014 referendum through the eyes of first-time 16-year-old voter Paul and his S4 classmates, as he struggles with the weight of the decision.

"At its heart, the show aims to show young people, and in particular those from working class backgrounds, that their voices matter and deserve to be heard. 

"We feel it's absolutely vital to tour the piece now, given the current political climate, and also given that it's been 10 years since the referendum this September."

Pictures by Sooz Aitken