Members of Irvine Clean Up Crew cleared 10 bags of rubbish from the verges of Long Drive in Shewalton earlier this week.

And the environmental group have now urged local businesses to do their bit to keep the town  nice and tidy.

A Clean Up Crew spokesperson said on their Facebook page: "Two volunteers cleared 10 bags, plus loads of other bits from the Long Drive verges near Shewalton today.

"Lots of litter thrown from car windows and fly-tipping too (please stop it).

Litter at the roadsideLitter at the roadside (Image: Irvine Clean Up Crew)

"This took two people an hour and a half. If local businesses dedicated some time to cleaning up around their premises, just imagine the impact we could make on the rubbish that is now unfortunately littering our town.

"If you work for a local company and want to do more please reach out. We'd love to help you, help make a difference."

To find out more about the Clean Up Crew and their work in and around Irvine, visit here.