Stewarton Scout Group has issued an urgent plea for new leaders to give up their time in the town. 

The 20th Ayrshire group now has a large waiting list for younger children aged six to eight to join the Beaver colony. 

The group says it desperately needs new leaders to start up a second colony, to help reduce the long waiting list.

A spokesperson said: "If you've ever considered voluntary work in your own community we offer full training and support.

"Many of the leaders are parents (or parents of former group members) who had no previous experience of Scouts or even working with children. 

"If anyone would like some more info, without any pressure or committee, on how you can become involved please do get in touch. The group can only continue if we have enough volunteers.

"My fingers are crossed that we'll be able to get some support from our local community."

To get in touch, search for 20th Ayrshire Stewarton Scouts on Facebook.