A BUSINESS based in the Rivergate Shopping Centre has said that they "don't think their future is in Irvine".

Owner of The Wee Shire Shop, Stefan Mawhinney, says that remaining in the town "just isn't realistic" any longer.

They are a small crystal business who offer a massive range of products from their stall in the Irvine mall - situated near the Costa Coffee store.

The business has been in Irvine for a number of years, though since the Covid pandemic have found operations challenging.

Stefan stated in the past that moving away from the mall was a possibility, and that news now appears to be confirmed.

(Image: The Wee Shire Shop)

A post made on Facebook stated that The Wee Shire Shop may need to look elsewhere.

Stefan said: "We've hummed and hawed our way through the year in the hopes that things in the mall would recover to pre-Covid levels but sadly that hasn't been the case.

"I'm not sure what our future might be. Maybe a move to somewhere like Ayr? But I don't think our future will be in Irvine.

"Sometimes in the Rivergate during weekdays (even with our big sale on) we'll be lucky to have five customers.

"With rent, wages, stock and everything else on top that just isn't realistic. If we're going to survive this Christmas we might need to do our thing somewhere else."

And the store owner and manager expects that the move may come before the year is out.

He added: "We'll stick around as long as we can but I think we may leave the mall by the end of November.

"Thanks for all your support over the few years we've been able to make this work. Hopefully you'll pop down and give us a visit before we have to make our move.

"You've been amazing customers!"