The team behind an application for a new wind turbine on Irvine's Meadowhead Industrial Estate believe an environmental impact assessment (EIA) will not be needed.

The Farm Energy Company are hoping to build a single wind turbine in association with the operations of a nearby industrial facility, which they describe as "a major employer in the Irvine area".

The proposal consists of the erection of a single turbine of up to 200m to blade tip and the site is located within the grounds of an existing industrial area within the location of Forsyth of Denny Ltd in Dunlop Place.

It is expected that the wind turbine would be operational for a period of 25 years.

It forms part of the Meadowhead Industrial Estate, with nearby businesses including the Caledonian Paper Mill, GSK Irvine and the Meadowhead Sludge Treatment works.

(Image: Farm Energy Company) The area is brownfield land which has previously been utilised for storage of equipment in relation to Forsyth of Denny’s operations. The proposed turbine will not impact on the company's current operations.

The Farm Energy Company submitted a request opinion on whether an EIA was required for the site.

Their submission concludes an EIA is not required, which they have asked North Ayrshire Council planners to confirm.

The application to the council is is now pending consideration at a future planning committee meeting.