MSP Katy Clark has submitted a motion in the Scottish Parliament to congratulate Kilwinning Abbey Church on its 250th anniversary.

The Abbey Church, a historic landmark in Kilwinning, was originally built by John Garland and John Wright, with its construction completed in 1774.

The church stands on the site of its 16th-century predecessor, which itself was built within the ruins of Kilwinning Abbey, founded in approximately 1188.

In her motion, West of Scotland Labour MSP Ms Clark highlighted the enduring significance of Kilwinning Abbey Church to the local community.

She added: “For 250 years, Kilwinning Abbey Church has been at the heart of the community, providing not only a place of worship but also a source of support and unity for residents.

“The church’s long-standing commitment to the people of Kilwinning deserves recognition and celebration.”

The motion also recognises the church's work to support and engage the local community, a tradition that continues to this day.

Kilwinning Abbey Church remains a key cultural and historical institution, reflecting both the town's rich heritage and the community’s strong sense of identity.

Ms Clark also commended the church for its lasting contributions to Kilwinning, noting its essential role in preserving the town’s spirit and fostering a sense of belonging for generations.