A NORTH Ayrshire man who breached a court order four times in the space of seven weeks has been jailed.

Repeat offender Scott Harvey appeared for sentencing at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on Wednesday, September 18.

The 42-year-old previously pleaded guilty to breaching a non-harassment order that had been put in place preventing him from contacting his former partner.

The directive banned Harvey, of Hunter Avenue in Ardrossan, from approaching or communicating with the woman in any way.

However, Hunter breached the order on June 13 at the Riverway Retail Park in Irvine by attempting to approach his ex, according to court papers.

He did not desist following the initial breach and ignored the court order once again around a week later by trying to approach the same woman at her home.

Hunter committed his third breach in just a fortnight between June 24 and 25 when he tried to phone his ex. He also repeatedly sent her text messages in which he continuously used derogatory remarks.

After a gap in the offending behaviour, Hunter breached his order once again by attending uninvited at the woman's address on July 31, resulting in him being remanded in custody.

Hunter's solicitor asked Sheriff Colin Bissett to allow him to "learn in the community" rather than sending him to prison.

He said: "Every option is open to the court at this point. There has been full responsibility taken by him."

The solicitor admitted that Hunter had previously been placed on a community-based order but had failed to comply.

He added: "He has increased motivation to change this time. He is in position to engage. There is only one alternative if he does not.

"It is expressed to me and in the report a real desire to change. He has grown since the last time.

"Allowing him to learn in a community-based setting would benefit society."

Sentencing, Sheriff Bissett decided that prison was the only option available to him.

He said: “Your solicitor set out clear terms as to why I might find an alternative to custody.

“However, there is no alternative but the imposition of a custodial sentence.”

A 16-month jail sentence was imposed, backdated to August 1 this year.