THE Scottish Maritime Museum has set a date for the next meeting of its popular monthly book club.

The group will be gathering at the museum on Wednesday, October 9 between 2pm and 3:30pm.

October’s book has been chosen as ‘Night Song of The Last Tram’ by Robert Douglas.

The club meets over tea, coffee and cake in The Nature Library in Flat 122B Montgomery Street on Irvine Harbourside. 

Jennifer Pless, community engagement & development officer at the Scottish Maritime Museum, said: “We’re thrilled with the popularity of the book club.

"There are only two places left for next month’s gathering so anyone who is interested, should get in touch soon.

"October’s book - Night Song of The Last Tram - is a moving but also humorous memoir by Robert Douglas who recalls growing up in a ‘single end’ flat in a Glasgow tenement during and immediately after the Second World War.

“As well as chatting over a cuppa, the book club is a great opportunity for everyone to enjoy the lovely space of the Nature Library.

"We’re grateful to North Ayrshire Libraries for their support and ensuring that we can make advance reading copies available to participants.”

Copies of the club’s chosen book are available to borrow from the museum after registering for the book club by emailing or calling 01294 278283.