PLANS have been submitted to build four detached houses and an access road at the site of a former Lugton hotel.

The land for the proposed homes is currently vacant, but was previously used as the location of the Lugton Inn on Lochlibo Road.

Three bedrooms are to be built in each house, including a master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom.

Each proposed house will have three bedrooms.Each proposed house will have three bedrooms. (Image: GH Architects LTD) Alongside the new houses, 13 car parking spaces will also be erected on the land.

Scottish Water has no objection to the application, and the Ayrshire Road Alliance has no objections subject to conditions.

They say that their conditions are infrastructure improvements, access construction, private access surfacing, no discharge of water, wheel washing facilities, and a construction traffic management plan.

To view the plans, visit East Ayrshire Council's planning portal and search the reference 24/0410/PP.