MORE than 60 people, representing groups including Irvine Seniors Forum, WASPI Women and Irvine Men’s Shed, turned out for a rally against the Government’s restriction on the Winter Fuel Allowance.

The event, staged at the Beach Park, was organised by the group Unite Communities.

Keith Stoddart, West of Scotland chair of Unite community, said: “Ofgem are looking after the employers and utility companies are not looking after their customers, which is what they’re supposed to do.

"They said they have to factor in profit for utilities that are already making a lot of money. When bills go up in October, they get more profit.

“The government should not be taking away pensioners’ fuel allowance. Our answer is to renationalise the utilities instead of giving profits to the gas and electricity industries.

“When we have a £22billion fall, the utility companies should be taxing them and addressing it, not taking away pensioners’ fuel allowance. 

“We live in northern Europe and our bills are dearest. People will suffer. we already have the lowest pensions in Europe.”

(Image: Stewart McConnell) Irvine man Arthur West, who is backing the campaign, said: “It is deeply disappointing that this move has been made so early into the government. It will cause a lot of problems for pensioners. There will be no new payments for this winter.

“It is very important that we keep campaigning against losing the winter fuel allowance, they should not be taking money off pensioners but looking at changing the taxation system and making it fairer.

"People who have wealth of over £10m, there could be a tax on them or we could look at capital gains tax.”

“This is a very substantial turnout but this about raising awareness we are going to have street stalls petitioning and leafleting.

“The issues started with the UK Government withholding the payment but the Scottish Government say they are not giving them enough to pay it although we are holding both governments to account.”

Rosemary Byrne, secretary of Irvine Seniors Forum, said: “There are feelings of worry, fear and anxiety and anger in the area.

“Politicians have no idea what it is like to be cold in a cold winter. Scotland is especially cold in winter.

"I got in touch with our MP Alan Gemmell before the vote in the Commons on the winter fuel allowance, asking him not to vote for it, he came back with excuses which were banal. 

“We will be going to the MP’s office. The Scottish Government can’t afford it, they are already giving us the child payment.”

Ian Wallace of Irvine Men’s Shed said: “This is an absolute joke that they are not giving everyone the winter fuel allowance.

“I will have to go and buy myself a blanket to help with the cold. This is a universal thing that is a benefit and you should pay it out to everyone.”