PLANS have been lodged to install 50 steel containers at a location in Stewarton.

This application seeks to switch a concrete yard in Magbiehill Park from a business use to a storage use.

The 2,560 square metre site currently has 20 parking spaces, which will remain unchanged.

The containers could be based at a concrete yard in Stewarton (Image: East Ayrshire Council) Plans for the installation were submitted on Thursday, October 31.

No changes are proposed to the site’s vehicle access or public pathways, and no environmental, drainage, or flood risk assessments were included in the application.

So far the plans have received one objection (Image: East Ayrshire Council) Currently, the plans have received one objection from a man who claims the new plans will increase the extend of obtrusive light being emitted from the area.

To view the plans, visit East Ayrshire Council's planning portal and search the reference 24/0511/PP.