POLICE Scotland is currently looking to recruit volunteer special constables in Ayrshire.

The Special Constable role is a part-time, volunteer opportunity where members of the public can maximise their spare time supporting their communities.

Not only do they support the vision of Police Scotland for safer communities, less crime, and supporting victims, special constables may offer opportunities for a new career.

Police Scotland said: "You can work full time and be a special constable in just 96 hours per year or a few hours a week.

"The role is diverse, demanding, and rewarding. You could be doing anything from policing a football match to assisting at a road accident.

"Special constables also police major sporting and public events and provide an excellent bridge between the Police Service and the public."

If you want to know more about the special constable role, then arrange to chat with one of the police's recruitment specialists by emailing Recruitmentspecialconstable@scotland.police.uk.